In Times of Calamity…

Together we serve!

St. Francis School’s Senior Scouts helped in packing relief goods, which will be sent to the victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda in the Visayas part of the country, at San Pedro Bautista Parish Church.

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Also, some of St. Francis School’s former senior scouts, now Rover Scouts, went to Caritas Manila and participated in the relief operation for the victims of the said typhoon.

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In the times of calamity, scouts are always ready to serve.

Investiture Ceremony

On my honor, I will do my best…


As part of the school’s 54th Foundation Day celebration, new scouts were officially welcomed as members of St. Francis School’s Senior Scouts in a formal investiture ceremony. They promised to commit themselves to the Scout Oath and Law, Scout Motto, Senior Scout Code, and the Senior Scout Code as they formally received their blessed senior scout neckerchiefs.